
第4回研究会 Japan-Korea Workshop on Production and Logistics Systems 2010

後援:NPO法人 観光情報学会 かが・のと観光情報学研究会
日時:Mar.26-27, 2010
     26日(金)午後 講演会PM 13:25-16:40
     27日(土)午前 工場見学(希望者のみ)午後 解散
場所:金沢星稜大学 301,302,304教室

Room 301Welcome address 13:15-13:30
Prof. Takashi Oyabu (Kanazawa Seiryo Univ.)
Prof. Mitsuo Gen (Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute)
Prof. Yuko Shimomura (Kinjyo Univ.)
Prof. Hidetaka Nambo (Kanazawa Univ.)

Plenary Talk 13:30-14:15Chair: Prof. Takashi Oyabu
A Strategic Response of a Full Service Carrier and itsSubsidiary Low Cost Carrier to a Competing Low-Cost
Prof. Hark Hwang (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology: KAIST)

Coffee Break 14:15-14:40

Oral Presentation 14:40-17:00

Room 301
Session Name: Applications of GA and MTS Methods
Session Organizer: Dr. Mitsuo Gen, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute
Chair: Prof. Kayoko Murakami
1. [Invited] Why is a GA Approach best for Solving Scheduling and Routing Problems ?
 Mitsuo Gen (Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute), Lin Lin (Waseda University)
2. Optimal Weight Design Problem of Truss Using GA
 Takao Yokota and Takeaki Taguchi (Ashikaga Institute of Technology)
3. GA for JSP with Delivery Time and Holding Cost
 Kazumi Abe and Kenichi Ida (Maebashi Institute of Technology)
4. To Estimate of Inverse Matrix of Correlation Matrix in the MTS Method of Multi-Group Discriminated problem
 Kiyoshi Tsukakoshi (Ashikaga Institute of Technology)
5. [Invited]A Genetic-Algorithm Approach to Solving a Tourist-based Tour Guide Allocation Problem
 1Kayoko Murakami, 2Seren Ozmehmet Tasan, 3Serdar Tasan, 3Shigeru Fujimura, 4Takashi Oyabu (1Essential English Center, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 2Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, 3Graduate School of Information, Production & Systems, Waseda University, 4Kanazawa Seiryo University)

Room 302
Session Name: Industrial Engineering and IT Applications
Session Organizer: Prof. Nobuo Ando, Seiryo College
Chair: Prof. Nobuo Ando

1. [Invited]生産組織と情報の役割
2. 発達障害者支援のためのダイバーシティ環境での知識共創システム -協働型支援を目指して-   小越咲子1,毛利千香2,小越康宏3,中井昭夫4,三橋美典1
3. AIDMAからAISASへの購買意思決定の変化 -キッザニア東京の事例-
4. RDIFを用いた図書追跡・推薦システムの構築

Room 304
Session Name: Environmental Systems and IT Applications
Session Organizer: Prof. Takashi Oyabu, Seiryo University
Chair: Prof. Hidetaka Nambo
1. [Invited]Interactive Object Tracking for Video Monitoring
 Ryosuke Kamada and Takahiro Hayashi (Niigata University)
2. 温泉地における五感の特徴分析
3. NIRSを用いたbrain-computer interfaceの開発- 前頭前野による運動補助の可能性
4. 光学センシング技術を用いた位置検出システムの実用化
5. LED光下における植物生体電位と空気浄化能力